Babadook gay pride meme

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Want these flags on your subreddit? They're open source! Check out the /r/ainbow flair on github. Choose whatever flag feels right this isn't an ID card, it's just a fun way to show your colors. We also have spliced versions of the trans and genderqueer flags (thanks, WTFcannuck!), for those with dual citizenship.

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In the box below the flag grid, you can set custom text for your flair! You can put whatever you like explain what the flag means to you, tell us where you're from, what you like, whatever! Note: if someone hasn't specified custom text, you won't see anything by their flag.

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Get it up top ⇧ by clicking the (edit) button!ĭon't know the flags? We have these available: Join the /r/ainbow discord here! Want flair? The more we know each other, the better we'll get along.

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We encourage you to treat others with respect, start and/or engage in robust discussion and interact with the community. Post links to articles, self-posts, photographs, experiences and whatever else is important to your experience of queer life. A free area for the discussion of issues facing those who identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and all other sexual or nonsexual orientations and/or gender identities.

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