In the world of anime and manga, futanari hentai games refer to characters who have both male and female sexual characteristics, such as breasts and penis, at the same time. The word futanari is often used for hermaphroditism in Japan, as it is to both male and female. Enjoy these favorite futanari videos, after that check many more here! There are no many classic porns with hermaphrodites, most of the time it’s with trannies in that role, so just in Futanari Hentai Anime, you get the real thing. In stories, futanari is always a female, both in behaving and extra feminine sexy look, with the addition of a penis. One more dick in the scene makes more possible combinations but most of the time futas are pumping girls or it’s just futa-on-futa action, but there are also videos of a man riding futanari and rare videos of a futanari drilling a male. It’s not really the same but you can find it also as hermaphrodite porn, shemale, dickgirl, or (wrong) tranny. Imagine a sexy chick with big tits, nice ass, beautiful round and long legs, tasty pussy, and… huge dick, sometimes balls too. You will see action, adventure stories, futas, sex robots, and lesbian monster sex. Sentai Squad, the perfect Mecha & Sentai anime hentai. Do you like untraditional, 3D Hentai? Watch 3D futanari hentai series F.U.T.A.